What I am about to say here will be madness to most. But I predict (it can be 20 years, it can be 50 years, but it will happen) that Catholics (so also Greek, Russian and other orthodox) that venerate Mary as the queen of heaven sometime in the future will be sorely oppressed. This on the basis of the epistle to Thyatira in Revelation 2. This prophecy does not refer to the iconoclasts.
Jezebel here can be identified with the Vatican and its dogma's, but I think that it is a spiritual name for the whore of whores from Revelation 17. Now the apostle John was greatly amazed when he saw her in the vision. Who is she? Jezebel refers to the woman in the O.T. that persecuted the faithful and installed Baal priests. Her name means 'without husband.' Now who is without husband that can be called the whore of whores, really! Who are her children that will be killed? In the O.T. the name 'Queen of Heaven' occurs several times. Why does the so-called Mary of the Catholics also bear that title?
I will tell you who I think is without husband and she is Eve, the once wife of Adam... The so-called assumption of Mary in reality must be the 'rape' of Eve, when after Adam died she was transferred to perhaps even paradise, in the third heaven, by Satan (who according to the book of Job has access there) where she can eat of the tree of life (which according to Revelation grows there now).
I realize that both Adam and Eve were driven from the garden of Eden and from the tree of life. But it was predicted that both would die. Now the whore of whores is killed by the beast, burned and her flesh eaten in one act of grand, religious cannibalism. This person can only be Eve. Also it is said that the Lord gives her time to repent, but she does not want to. Now a fallen female angel, a demoness, cannot be a person of flesh and blood and will never be given an opportunity to repent! That she is human is also indicated by the reference to her becoming ill and being confined to a (sick)bed.
Now the story becomes even stranger and madder. Her children will be killed it says. Obviously not her children by Adam, nor any Roman Catholic. It must refer to the children she has born as Jezebel, as the queen (read: quean) of heaven. And these must be super humans living somewhere in the universe... Call me crazy. It is O.K. However the future will bear out what the Bible states.
In Zachariah it is predicted that a woman, called unrighteousness, will be put in a grain measure and be taken out of the country (of Israel) by two great storks. In Malachi it is stated that 'my people are married to the daughter of a strange god'. Who is this god? Could it be the god of forces or fortresses, Eloah Mauzzim? Who perhaps became her spiritual father and of whom it is said that apostate Jews in the end times will worship him (a god whom their fathers did not know). Also it is predicted of the woman called unrighteousness that a house will be prepared for her in Shinar. Now, is Shinar not the abode of demons? Will Eve be resurrected and live there during the Millennium?
Although Adam and Eve were clothed with lambs' skins after their fall, they did not then come to repentance. Instead Adam blaimed Eve and Eve blaimed the serpent. The lambs' skins were the first practical preaching of the gospel and understood by Abel, called prophet by the Lord. Shortly before her death at the stake she is still described as having the blood of the martyrs in her cup and saying in her heart: 'I will sit a queen for ever!' In her grand folly she thinks that she can beat the Lord whom all power in heaven and earth has been given. Even of Satan it is said that he will be very angry, as he knows that his time will be short. But Eve is, as ever, deceived... We know from Revelation chapter 19 that the whore will be lost for ever. Throughout history God will have had patience with Eve, but one day that patience will run out. The first man born, Cain, was thought by Eve to be the savior, but he became a murderer. Adam is said to have died, but of Eve this is not written... Also it is said of the whore of whores that the blood of ALL the slaughtered on the earth are found in her cup. Now as the woman seduced by Satan and giving of the forbidden fruit to her husband who was with her at that tree, she is together with him responsible for the death of all humanity.
Just as Satan as the highest angel, being 999, became negative, so it should not come as a surprise for us that also a perfect woman as our first Mother, being 777, fell and will be lost for ever. We know that Adam called his next son, after Abel, Seth; which means 'replacement'. Also we know that in his time the Name of the Lord was begun to be called upon. Perhaps, then there is hope for Adam. At any rate the Lord is called the second human and last Adam. In Him the entire human race has hope and deliverance.
At the end of Revelation 17 it is stated that the whore is (to be identified with) the great future city of Babylon. But that does not mean that there cannot be a literal woman as well. For just as the beast is on the one hand the empire, so on the other hand the beast is also the head of that empire. One must distinguish between the two, between the humans involved and the political entities they embody and preside over. (Actually I hope that I am wrong on Eve being the whore, but at the moment I see no other explanation. If she is not Eve--and after all there would be enmity between the woman and satan--then she might be a demoness turned human à la the demons in Genesis 6 turned human (whose offspring became giants, like Goliath [see the explanations on this given by the apostles Peter and Jude]). In that case the opportunity to repent does not mean she can be saved, but means she is allowed to change her mind. However she is called a mystery and the nature of a mystery is that it is hidden and not yet revealed, just like the identity of the beast, 666).
Who is the real queen of heaven then? The New Jerusalem, called our mother (sic!) by the apostle Paul, consisting of all true believers, the one and only true and invisible Church of the living God! Whereas, according to Solomon, a foolish woman breaks off her house with both her hands, so true wisdom has her maids and seven pillars. True wisdom has her sacrifice in Christ.
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